bamberger symphoniker

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Nov 24

Manfred Honeck: Mozart's Requiem

Abo E
Bamberg, Konzerthalle, Joseph-Keilberth-Saal
17:00 Uhr

Mozart wrote in a letter to his father that death is »the true, best friend of man« – which for Manfred Honeck is a »profound and significant statement«. The internationally sought-after conductor is known for his unmistakable and trend-setting style – and is also a charismatic and passionate artist who loves emotional depth: »If I had the choice between technical precision and emotional music, I would always choose the music.« The former violist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, who once began his conducting career as Claudio Abbado’s assistant, has been a regular guest of ours for more than 30 years. This led to an intimate friendship – and as a result, he is now officially performing his first concert as our new honorary conductor. We are delighted to be performing one of his favourite programmes with him on Eternity Sunday, which is very moving and will certainly give food for thought: The equally »mysterious and divine moments« in Mozart's last work – the otherworldly beautiful requiem from 1791, which the composer worked on until his early death at the age of just 35 and was unable to complete. Manfred Honeck breaks the ritualistic confessional music abruptly at precisely that point after eight bars in the »Lacrimosa« – and complements and combines it in an incredibly comforting way with other poignant sound creations, texts from powerful biblical passages, letters by Mozart, poems, Gregorian chorales and the urging ringing of bells.

Manfred Honeck Conductor
Christina Landshamer Soprano
Anna Lucia Richter Mezzo Soprano
Patrick Grahl Tenor
Krešimir Stražanac Baritone
Heikko Deutschmann Narrator
Tschechischer Philharmonischer Chor Brno
Schola der Kirchenmusikhochschule Bayreuth Chorus

Arvo Pärt Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten
Franz Schubert »Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen« D 343
Witold Lutoslawski Trauermusik für Streichorchester
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Requiem d-Moll KV 626
