bamberger symphoniker

resonating worldwide

© Michael Trippel

»Bamberg all around was simply amazing. The city and its Baroque beauty, the people and their charm, and the opportunity to learn both about music from such a world class orchestra and from my fellow musicians and young conducting colleagues – I made so many friends in that short time and learned so much about life and about myself. This is what makes the place so special in my heart. I am eternally thankful that the Bamberg Symphony has helped me to pass that threshold – with their professional perfection, musical integrity and that special kind of human warmth that makes them a truly unique ensemble.«
Gustavo Dudamel

Gustavo Dudamel
© Adam Latham

Your part in our future starts here

The Bamberg Symphony is quite rightly seen as a »shop window« for Bavarian culture. That was one of the chief reasons why the Free State elevated it to the rank of State Philharmonic in 2003. The Orchestra's funding comes from several sources: together, the Free State of Bavaria, the City of Bamberg, the district of Upper Franconia and the Bamberg region ensure its day-to-day running. Anything over and above that requires the support of private patrons – an ever tougher challenge, in these days of constantly rising costs. International tours, for instance, usually return a deficit, but they are indispensable for any orchestra – they are the »currency«, so to speak, in which an ensemble's reputation is traded. Invitations to famous festivals or top concert halls not only keep players on their toes but also increase an orchestra's »market value«.

Another project for the Supporters' Foundation is the long-term funding of our Joseph Keilberth Orchestral Academy. It gives its bursary holders a springboard to a professional career in international orchestras, and also ensures that our Orchestra's legendary »Bamberg sound« is handed on to future players. By supporting a bursary holder you become »godparent« for two years to a young musician who could go on to enjoy a brilliant career in one of the world's best-known orchestras, thanks to your help!

Personal Involvement

To get down to specifics: if the Bamberg Symphony is to maintain its much-admired artistic integrity, and continue sharing its special sound with the world, it needs the commitment of private individuals. And the groundwork to secure its future must be laid now. Our Supporters' Foundation guarantees that all donations will be put to 100% effective use, and offers the widest possible scope for personal involvement. Apart from extending the reach of our international tours and securing the Orchestral Academy, we have also set ourselves the goal of acquiring valuable instruments.

By making a contribution or giving long-term support as »godparent« to a young bursary-holder, you will help us to achieve our ambitious artistic aims, while enjoying close contact with »your Orchestra«, both in Bamberg and on international tours, as well as at exclusive special events.

Bamberg Symphony Foundation for International Orchestral Projects

Foundation fully constituted in civil law, registered in Bamberg
Board of trustees: Peter Gartiser, Dr. Max Medrisch
Mußstraße 1
D-96047 Bamberg

IBAN DE47 7702 0070 0025 9184 28

Board of trustees
Peter Gartiser, Chairman
Dr. Max Medrisch

Marcus Rudolf Axt, Chairman

Advisory board
Dr. Ernst Denert
Hartmut Paulsen
Michael Stoschek
Angela Gräfin von Wallwitz
Hanno D. Wentzler